Diary Entry - 09/17/1987

Key Facts
President Reagan attends a celebration in Philadelphia, PA, for the Bicentennial Birthday of the U.S. Constitution.
President Reagan learns that East German Soviets fired on a patrol of American Soldiers slightly injuring one.
Into office at 9 A.M.—Staff & N.S.C. time all at once. Got a phone call from Geo. S. He seemed up beat about progress he was having with Shevardnadze—thought he would have some thing to report while I was in Phil. & would phone. As it turned out there were a couple of false alarms in Phil. & finally word that meeting was still going on & maybe into the night. Balance of our talks before leaving for Phil. taken up by report on some of our Repub. Sens. flip flopping on Gramm, Rudman, Hollings legislation. Then it was off by Marine 1 & A.F.1 to Phil. for Bicentennial Birthday of Constitution. Got to Phil. airport about 11:05 A.M. On board Sen’s. Heinz & Specter plus Mrs. Heinz. We drove directly to Independence Hall—it was raining. Our Park Supt. showed me the room where Const. was born—left exactly as it was then. Then it was time to go out & address the crowd—the rain stopped. So did the Parade. Then my speech—well received. Bells tolled, the Parade resumed & we departed for Franklin Plaza Hotel & fundraising luncheon for Sen. Heinz who is running in ’88. Following speech went to another room & did photos with about 70 top supporters.
Back to plane—rain started again just as we boarded for take off. Approaching Wash. slowed down—Andrews A.F.B. was having a thunderstorm. As we arrived & landed—sun came out. Back to W.H. about 4 P.M. Sen. Baker told me Geo. S. & Shevardnadze would like to come over & brief me on meetings at 5 P.M.—Well 5 P.M. became 5:45—the meeting grew to a dozen upstairs in our living room. Than Nancy was delayed. I changed dinner time 3 times. Now the briefing meeting is over—we’ve agreed to meet the press on it at 9 A.M.—they are gone & my room mate is at the door. Thank Heaven.
A call from Frank—In East Germany Soviets fired on a patrol of American Soldiers wounding one but not seriously. A h--l of an incident to happen at this time. Also the bad guy in our Sting operation in the Med. arrives tonight—he’ll be charged & tried here.