Diary Entry - 09/18/1987

Key Facts
President Reagan participates in a photo opportunity with 35 Republican leaders of Louisiana.
President Reagan participates in a photo opportunity with Hispanic Scholarship Fund representatives.
In at 8:45 & at 9 A.M went into the press room to make a statement about the 3 days of meetings between Geo. S. & Soviet F. Minister Shevardnadze. Took a few Q’s & then turned it over to Geo. Back in office for N.S.C.—we mainly talked about the meetings. Then at 10 A.M. Lee Thomas came in to brief me on agreement we have negotiated with 23 Nations to reduce carbo flurocarbons—in our effort to stop reducing the Ozone layer. This is an historic agreement. At 11 A.M. an N.S.P.G. meeting—an update on P. Gulf situation. There has been a great change in world thinking about that and there is general approval of what we are doing.
After lunch met with & was photographed with 35 top Repub. leaders of La. who are supporting Cong. Livingstones run for Gov. Then it was usual meeting with Geo. S. He brought Ambas. Jack Matlock with him who reported on changes Gorbachev is trying to make in Soviet U. George has an idea that perhaps this change can be used to involve Soviet U. in our effort to bring peace to Middle East. We never could have accepted that idea under previous Soviet leaders.
Then a photo with Hispanic Scholarship Fund representatives. They were all from Busch Beer & 7UP. They’ve done a great job over the last 11 yrs. financing ed. for more than 6,000 young Hispanics. One of them had painted a pic. of the Alamo for me.
Off to Camp D.—Got list of Repub. Sen’s. who voted against us & supported a curb on S.D.I.—John Chaffe, Bill Cohen, Dan Evans, Mark Hatfield, John Heinz, Nancy Kassebaum, Bob Packwood & Lowell Weicker.