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Diary Entry - 09/16/1987

Key Facts

  • President Reagan addresses a U.S. Advisory Commission conference on Public Diplomacy.

  • President Reagan participates in a photo opportunity with 12 Airmen of the year.

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Staff time—no great issues. Then N.S.C.—a report on how the talks with Shevardnadze are going. Apparently going well—a far different tone then in earlier times before the changes in Moscow. Then about 9:50 A.M. Pres. Diouf came by with a few people. We discussed problems of Tropical Africa in conquering hunger.

At 11 A.M. over to St. Dept. addressed Conf. of U.S. Advisory Commission on Pub. Diplomacy. Back to the W.H. for lunch. At 1:20 over to West front of Capitol for “Celebration of Citizenship” a great rally tied in to bicentennial of Const. About 100,000 people, a big section devoted to High School youngsters. Speeches & patriotic music. Wayne Newton led us all in singing God Bless Am. I led crowd in pledge of allegiance.

Back to W.H.—called my brother—his birthday. Then admin. time. A young man—15 yrs.—wheelchair, poster child for Juvenile Arthritis. Then Judy Johnston—back from Hospital (Cancer) to her post with Chuck Hobbs. Finally 12 Airmen of the year—enlisted persons 3 of them women. And upstairs for balance of day at 3 P.M.

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