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Diary Entry - 09/15/1987

Key Facts

  • President Reagan attends the 5th anniversary reception of "U.S.A. Today."

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A very brief staff meeting as I met with Repub. Cong. leaders at 9:15 A.M. except for those Senators who are on Judiciary Committee. The hearings on Bork confirmation started today. It was a good meeting with much agreement about why I should veto some of the bills now before Cong. A suggestion was made that I should veto any “continuing resolutions” & insist that appropriations bills be sent to me individually. This would be like giving me line item veto in a way. A short N.S.C. time & then briefing for visit with Shevardnadze. He came in at noon—we had a short time cluttered up by 4 waves of press & photographers. Then into Rose Garden for signing by him & Geo. S. of agreement to have a center in each country to minimize chance of accidental hostilities taking place. From there it was a Plenary meeting in Cabinet room followed by a brief one on one & then a luncheon meeting in St. dining room. They were good meetings & free of the hostility we used to see even if we were disagreeing on some things.

After that I had some good desk time & finally a brief session with our Nat. Repub. Cong. Committee major donors. Stopped in at Dr’s. for my sneeze shot. Got a fill in about Howard B. He’s in hospital with diverticulitis. He should stay there but doctor says he insists on coming to work tomorrow.

An early dinner (alone). Nancy is in Calif. on a drug thing with the Pope. At 7:20 I left for brief appearance at a reception—5th anniversary of “U.S.A Today.” It was nice—a short address & home to bed.

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