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Diary Entry - 09/07/1983

Key Facts

  • President Reagan attends a National Security Meeting to discuss the Korean Airlines shoot down.

  • President Reagan participates in the launch of the Adult Literacy Initiative.

  • Voters in Ireland approve a constitutional amendment banning abortion.

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N.S.C. Briefing: George S. is working on foreign ministers in Madrid re the KAL shoot down. More on Lebanon—we have to show the flag for those Marines. I cant get the idea out of my head that some F14s off the Eisenhower coming in at about 200 ft. over the Marines & blowing hell out of a couple of Artillery emplacements would be a tonic for the Marines & at the same time would deliver a message to those gun happy middle east terrorists. Went to East room to launch an initiative aimed at doing something about Adult illiteracy. Met Marva Collins the wonderful black teacher from Chi. Also the Creighton U. basketball star who went to her to learn to read. I had phoned him about his courage in doing that. He sat in her school with 4th graders & he is a U. basketball star. Met with Arch Moore former Gov. of W. Va. we’re encouraging him to run for Sen.—Jennings Randolph is retiring. His opponent most likely would be Jay Rockefeller.

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