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Diary Entry - 09/06/1983

Key Facts

  • President Reagan meets with Secretary of State George Shultz to discuss the Korean Airlines shoot down.

  • President Reagan attends a National Security Council meeting to discuss the civil war in Lebanon.

  • The U.S.S.R. admits to shooting down KAL 007 on September 1.

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N.S.C. meeting with Geo. S. to discuss his meeting with Gromyko. Some are opposed but I think George is right he should see Gromyko & eyeball him on the Korean plane shoot down. There were 61 Americans on that plane. This could be the 1st time Gromyko has been put on the defensive. A 2nd & larger N.S.C. meeting discussed whether we should give a little on our position in the M.B.F.R. force negotiations in Vienna. I think there is a better option but now is not the time to switch. Lebanon was next on the agenda. We lost 2 more Marines last night in Beirut. The Civil War is running wild & could result in collapse of the Gemayal govt. & the stuff would hit the fan. I called the parents of the 2 Marines—not easy. One father asked if they were in Lebanon for anything that was worth his son’s life. A short issues lunch then brief meeting with Sherman Swenson CEO of Dalton Booksellers. They have launched—on their own—a program to battle adult illiteracy. A good meeting with leaders of United Jewish Appeal. Drop by for Jim Jenkins 60th B.D. & home.

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