Diary Entry - 09/08/1983

Key Facts
US Naval and Marine Units return fire of a Druse artillery barrage in Lebanon, silencing the artillery site.
President Reagan participates in a Cabinet Council meeting regarding wiping out legal discriminations against women.
The United States and Greece sign an agreement allowing U.S. Military bases in Greece for at least five more years.
Our Marine Artillery & one ship off shore at Beirut returned fire of a Druse Artillery in the hills & silenced it. F14’s from the Eisenhower had flown a reconnaissance mission. I called the Col. in command—he said morale was high. Jean Kirkpatrick came in with a pitch for my addressing the opening session of the U.N. There is reason to believe the Soviets may be planning a surprise—like Andropov showing up. King Hassan of Morocco told her Jumblat (Druse) is not really in charge—his family is in Syria & they (the Syrians) give him orders. Big cabinet meeting on our program through Justice dept. to wipe out legal discriminations against Women. We’ve changed 27 laws, have 60 more in process & today approved some more. Routine personnelle meeting. Then some visitors—the 2 heroic pilots who safely landed their plane saving the passengers even though they themselves were on fire. Joanna Stratton author of “Pioneer Women”—a charming young lady. I was able to quote a few lines verbatim from the book. More photos with staff & then a taping session—7 dif. events. Talked to Geo. S. in Madrid—he terminated the meeting with Gromyko who insisted on repeating the Soviet lies about the Korean Plane Massacre. George says our allies may be hanging with us on taking more action against the Soviets. We’ll know more tomorrow.