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Diary Entry - 08/19/1988

Key Facts

  • President Reagan prunes bushes at his home in Santa Barbara, CA, Rancho del Cielo.

  • President Reagan has a small private dinner at his home in Santa Barbara, CA, Rancho del Cielo.

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No morning ride—expecting guests. Spent a few hours with Barney & Dennis pruning Oaks. Then in for lunch & change into boots & breeches. Meanwhile people were putting up tents, tables & chairs for Sat. luncheon party The hosts & hostesses arrived about 1:30. At 2:30 Bill Wilson & I took a ride. Earle Jorgenson had a slight disability & couldn’t join us. Marion & Betty did chores for the party—like making out place cards etc. Then a nice evening—the 6 of us for cocktails & dinner. I had a call from Ken D. telling me about a very successful pol. rally for Geo. B. & Dan Quale in Ind. Also received word the new A.F.1 wont be ready til next May.

An early to bed.

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