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Diary Entry - 08/20/1988

Key Facts

  • President Reagan addresses the Nation during a live Radio Broadcast.

  • President Reagan attends a private dinner party at his home in Santa Barbara.

  • A cease fire between Iran and Iraq takes effect after eight years of war.

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Big lunch party day & the fog—cold & clammy has settled in. Did my radio cast at 9:06 A.M. with Earle & Bill attending. Some photos with departing Wauka [WHCA] members. Forecast is for fog to burn off between 10 & noon. Well it tortured us until noon & then the wind & the sun did their thing & the day was beautiful. As always it was so good to see our long time friends. The lunch was magnificent. Ron & Doria were the only family on hand. I tried to give Ron a pair of boots but they didn’t fit him.

Everyone has departed and Nancy is opening belated Birthday gifts. Dinner & bed.

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