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Diary Entry - 08/10/1982

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 08-10-1982

Key Facts

  • President Reagan participates in a meeting with the leader of the Israeli Labor Party, Shimon Peres.

  • President Reagan discusses the tax reconciliation bill with Members of the Congressional "Core Group."

  • Syria announces it is willing to accept all Palestinian guerrillas being forced to withdraw from West Beirut.

View the President's Schedule
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Things continue to look better in the middle East. Met with Israeli opposition leader Shimon Peres of the labor party. He’s quite a contrast to Begin and believes once P.L.O. leaves Beirut Israel should leave Lebanon. Believes also we must resolve the Palestinian problem. Surprisingly he wants us to continue befriending the Arabs & wants Jordan brought into the peace process. Most of day spent in meetings with Congressmen (& ladies) re the tax bill. We’re up against a strange mix—it isn’t going to be easy. Sen. Bill Roth came in—unlike Jack K. he’s all for us and wants to help. Met with Chryslers Lee Iococca. He’s all for our program & wants to help. He has reduced Chryslers cost of production 50%. No wonder they show a profit. Rcv’d. letter from Richard Viguerie with copy of Conservative Digest. He tried to write in sorrow not anger about my betrayal of the conservative cause. He used crocodile tears for ink.

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