Diary Entry - 08/11/1982

Key Facts
President Reagan participates in an interview with Hugh Sidney, Washington Contributing Editor, TIME magazine.
South Africa reports that its forces operating in Angola have in two days killed more than 300 guerrillas opposing South African control of Namibia.
Off to Billings Montana for 100th anniversary of city & a fundraiser for Larry Williams U.S. Sen. cand. Spent most of trip calling top business leaders re the tax bill. Most calls successful in getting them to help. Interviewed by Hugh Sidey. Went right from plane to arena—filled 12,700 people plus a large crowd that couldn’t get in. Warmest welcome imaginable, speech enthusiastically received. Then to reception ($1000) & lunch ($125) for Cand. Larry Williams—same enthusiasm. All in all a successful & heartwarming experience. Used occasion to explain the tax bill. Nancy is on her sad journey to Phoenix & it’s lonely here.