Diary Entry - 08/03/1983

Key Facts
President Reagan addresses the annual convention of the International Federation of Business and Professional Women's Clubs.
President Reagan hosts a working luncheon for representatives of the space industry to discuss commercial space enterprises.
The U.S. Department of Justice sues GM, seeking to have it recall all 1.1 million of its 1980 X-cars for repair of brake defects.
Went to the International Fed. of Business Women with our apology. They were wonderful. I was warmly received & left to quite an ovation. Then came an aftermath. Back in the office a few hours later I was handed a press release given out by Polly Maddonwald. She opened it by accepting my apology in a ho hum way & then took off on me as being lighthearted about the problems of women, not serious about them & that they should remember in November etc. I guess taking her at face value was a mistake. She really convinced me she was legit. Met with about 90 men & women & many of them old friends who are here because of Jack Hume’s idea for organizing movers & shakers in every cong. district to carry the word about what we’re really doing here—which the Nat. press does not do. From there to lunch with the top 20 or so people in Aero-Space for a work session on how to get the private sector involved in the space program on a solid commercial basis. The whole concept is very exciting. Dick Stone came in to report on Central Am. He’s very upbeat & says the tide has turned in El Salvador & that means improvement in Nicaragua. Tonite dinner here at the W.H. with the Shultz’s & Regans. The T.V. evening news played up the episode of my apology but refused to show the applause I received & played it as a great embarrassment for me.