Diary Entry - 08/02/1983

Key Facts
President Reagan attends a meeting of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
President Reagan meets with top government managers on how to save up to $300 billion over the next 3 years.
Where do these days come from—hardly a minute between gatherings. G.O.P. Cong. leadership to start with—mostly on Central Am. I think we won some points. A little time on I.M.F. and Jack Kemp now knows I’m teed off with him. A briefing by Joint Chiefs of Staff again on Central Am. They had a captured map—the kind that’s done in the field for a particular mission. It was the map the Guerillas had for the action that resulted in the execution of 34 El Salvador soldiers—prisoners. Significant however was the fact that the symbols used on the map were those the Soviets use. After issues lunch met in East Room with our managers for briefing on the reforms recommended by Peter Graces task forces. It is estimated they can save $300 bil. over 3 yrs. Cab. Council on legal policy—our crime bills, a campaign to help the victims of crime etc. A series of photo meetings—first the Speaker of the Alaska legislature presented me with a beautiful painting done by a young artist. It’s of Mt. McKinley. Next Sen. Cohen brought a nice lady a sculptress who is doing a bronze bust of me, in—name of Agnes Yarnell. Then a young man, Pat Warren who has walked from L.A. to Wash. to focus attention on fact that Epileptics (he is one) are normal people. Execs. of M & M’s. came by—presented me with crystal jars of M & M’s. They are helping fund the Olympics. Then Cong. O’Brien of Ill. brought in Miss Teenage Am. A very lovely girl who wants to get into politics. Finally a gift from Cardington Ohio—destroyed by Cyclone, I approved Fed. aid for it’s rebuilding. Ended the day meeting in the St. Dining Room with the Sen. Repub. Steering Committee. The real happening of the day was when I learned that hundreds of members of the International Fed. of Business Women (56 Countries) had been scheduled to tour the W.H. & some bureaucratic bungle denied them entrance. I called their Am. Pres. Polly Maddonwald and told her I was going to jump off the roof. I’m going to their convention in the A.M. & apologize.