Diary Entry - 08/04/1983

Key Facts
President Reagan meets with the President of the Republic of Zaire Mobutu Sese Seko.
President Reagan meets with the Director of the U.S. Marshals' Service.
Bettino Craxi, 49, is sworn in as the first Socialist prime minister of Italy.
The morning papers were worse than the T.V. news. I reached the boiling point. Then as the day wore on I received a wire from the Pres. Maxine Hayes who had so graciously introduced me. She apologized for her colleague & said the women were honored to have me & appreciated my coming to apologize. About that time word came that a local radio station was polling it’s listeners on the incident & the great majority came down on my side. Mike D. & Mike McManus briefed me on their Asia trip to prepare for mine in Nov. It’s going to be a back breaker. Pres. Mobutu of Zaire visited. He’s very impressive. After lunch with the V.P. met with the “Steel Caucus.” These are Congressmen from districts dependent on the steel industry. When they learned what we are doing with regard to foreign imports of subsidized steel competing unfairly with ours they went away happy. Lt. Gov. Bob Cashell of Nev. came by—he has supported me for some time. He came to tell me he’s leaving the Dem. party & turning Repub. Orin Hatch brought in a 13 yr. old boy Jason Hardman & family. The boy single handedly created a pub. library in his small town, collected 13,000 books so far & serves as librarian. Another young man Robert Scott Bowen came to receive the 7 millionth physical fitness award. He is state champion Pole Vaulter & plays football. Art Van Court & head of U.S. Marshals presented me with a Marshals badge & a snub nose 357 magnum revolver. Met with our chairmen of Industrial Competitiveness Commission. Then a reception in the St. Dining Room for 18 recipients of Reagan scholarship to Eureka College.