Diary Entry - 07/23/1987

Key Facts
President Reagan visits the National Institute of Health.
President Reagan accepts the report of the Drug Policy Board.
Staff time—Again a sum up of our legislative battles on the hill. Partisanship is the order of the day.
N.S.C.—A review of choices—Chf’s. of Staff are weighing with regard to action we may have to take in Persian Gulf.
It appears that Gorbachev’s show off on zero zero I.N.F. may be held up by their intransigence about W. Germanys Pershing 1 A’s.
Then over to E.O.B. to hand out 30 C Flag awards to businesses & Org’s. Lunch with the V.P. and then a off to Marine One & a visit to Nat. Inst. of Health. Visited 4 babys & small children who have AIDS & a score of children who are cancer victims. Then a meeting of our AIDS commission & a speech to a gathering there at Inst. Back to W.H. & a meeting with Drug Policy Bd. to accept their impressive report. We’ve made great progress.
Photo with staff of Office of governmental affairs. 2nd go—the 1st one didn’t turn out. A brief Personnel time & then Admin. time. Said goodbye to one of our marvelous mil. nurses who is being re assigned to Ft. Benning. She has multiple decorations—Erie Dianne Capps. Her husband Col. Savory is equally distinguished. A number of other groups & individuals then upstairs. Nancys Brother Dick was with me at the Nat. Inst. of health & joined us for dinner. He was a great help in rounding up members of AIDS Commission.