Diary Entry - 07/24/1987

Key Facts
President Reagan gets word that a Kuwait tanker has hit a mine in the Gulf but was able to make port.
President Reagan officially asks Judge Sessions to be the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
A kind of hurried up & mixed up short day.
Awakened by phone at 2 A.M. Frank C. calling to tell me one of Kuwait tankers (Bridgeton) hit a mine in Gulf. No casualties & ship able to make port.
Staff meeting 9 A.M.—discussed Judge Sessions who is our choice for Dir. of F.B.I. Then on to Debt Ceiling bill—good news—the Chiles amendment was defeated. Just a chance we can get a clean bill. A. B. Culvahouse called Shultz to tell him “well done” on testimony.
N.S.C.—Bridgeton—details. It happened near Farsi Island where an Iranian naval vessel is berthed. Some Q. to be resolved after we can get into the ship—was it a mine or an inside explosion.
Had a cable from Bonn with latest on Pershing 1 A’s. We dont want to pressure Kohl but he faces an iffy Pol. decision. Factions in W.G. will have at him either way he goes. I suggested maybe he should volunteer to eliminate them in interest of disarmament.
New subject—In Oct. another group of Soviet agents are going to be sent home by us from U.N.
Met briefly with Judge Sessions & asked him formally to be Dir. of F.B.I.— He accepted. Then an N.S.P.G. meeting for report on several Covert Op’s. I ruled we continue them. Then off to Ukrainian Church for lunch & ceremony recognizing Captive Nations Week. Extremely well received. The Soviets will be unhappy. Back at W.H. changed clothes & off to Camp D. greeting “Boys Nation” on way out of W.H.
Camp D. a few degrees cooler than Wash. but not much. A swim & quiet evening.