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Diary Entry - 07/22/1987

Key Facts

  • President Reagan attends a meeting with White House Science Council to discuss various scientific breakthroughs.

  • The United States begins its policy of escorting re-flagged Kuwaiti tankers up and down the Persian Gulf to protect them from possible attack by Iran.

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Debt limit & Dem. games main subject of 1st meeting. Then Catastrophic health program & here too they are distorting it to be a costly budget buster. A little discussion of “hearings.” Tomorrow it’s Geo. S. and the committee has some briefing notes of his that might be embarrassing.

N.S.C.—[. . .] Our first 2 Flagged Kuwait tankers are on the way through the Straits of Hormuz into the Persian Gulf.

A discussion of covert actions & the demands of the Cong. that they be notified. How do we do it without risking exposure?

A meeting with W.H. Science Council. A mind boggling brief on Super Conductors & the miraculous progress that has been made. One discovery alone has advanced us 190 yrs. ahead of what had been assumed would be our progress.

After lunch over to E.O.B. to address a meeting of St. & local elected officials on our Ec. Bill of Rights. A bi partisan group but united in support.

My meeting with Sec. Shultz—nothing exciting. He was great in N.Y. at getting U.N. Security Council to call on Iran & Iraq to halt the war.

Closed out the day with another meeting with Charles Wick. He has a great outline of a plan to get me on World Net among other things to reach world audience & undo the damage done by our press with regard to the Iran-Contra affair.

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