Diary Entry - 07/22/1988

Key Facts
President and Mrs. Reagan attend a working lunch and discuss the upcoming speech for the Republican National Convention.
Iran and Iraq announce they will send their foreign ministers to New York to meet with the U.N. Secretary General, as Iran said it would accept a U.N. cease-fire resolution.
A little muggy again but not really bad. Before the ride called Marty Anderson about his book “Revolution” which is about me largely but as Gov. & now President. It’s no kiss & tell. It’s a factual account of what we’ve done. Then a call from Ken D. about what we do in the remaining 6 months. He & about 14 or 15 of our gang had a lengthy meeting. I’m waiting for their report but from what he said I believe I’ll agree with what they talked about. Then the ride—started early because we’re going exploring. We rode down to the old Eckert ranch & through that property down to the spring fed lake we’ve known about but never seen. Round trip was about an hour & 40 minutes. I had to get back for lunch with Ken Khachigian who is working on my speech for the convention. It was a working lunch & progress was made.
Then I caught up with Barney & Dennis & we went at the Oak trees again. Late in day after shower & clean clothes Ron & Doria arrived for dinner. A pleasant evening.