Diary Entry - 07/21/1988

Key Facts
President Reagan talks with Governor William Clements, Jr. of Texas, on the phone wishing him well after his stroke.
President Reagan watches the Democratic National Convention and Michael Dukakis accepting the nomination.
Started with a cloudy sky but the clouds were gone before our ride was over. So the usual routine followed. Some odds & ends around the house then lunch & an afternoon of pruning oaks. Earlier got a call from Ken D. who has just arrived here to relieve Bea. O.
Later in day I called Bill Clements (Gov. of Texas) who had a mild stroke. It was really mild & he’s back to normal with no ill effects.
After dinner watched Dukakis make acceptance speech at Dem. Convention in Atlanta. He pushed all the buttons including promises that sounded as if our country was in the ec. doldrums instead of a continuing ec. expansion. And of course he charged me with the deficit spending & the big debt. Presidents cant spend a dime, only Congress can spend the money & the Cong. is Dem.