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Diary Entry - 07/23/1988

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 07-23-1988

Key Facts

  • President Reagan makes a Radio Address to the Nation on the Democratic National Convention and the administration's achievements.

  • Iran accuses Iraq of pushing deep into Iranian territory and using chemical weapons.

View the President's Schedule
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Did my radio broadcast at 9:06 A.M. Then several photos with groups & individuals. Some are leaving, others like ambulance force have never had one. My radio subject was Dem. convention although I mentioned no names.

Then our final ride for this trip. I forgot my spurs which I’ve never done before.

Phoned Sam Donaldson re the death of his mother. She was 93 & lived alone on a farm doing the necessary chores. He told me she voted solidly Republican all her life.

Lunch was with Barney & Dennis & Ron & Doria. Julius arrived during lunch to do Nancys hair.

After lunch Ron & Doria left for L.A. I joined Barney & Dennis in splitting the logs resulting from our pruning.

Schedule came—we leave ranch at 8:30 A.M. and are supposed to arrive at W.H. at 5:15.

Nancy just got a call—after dinner—Gloria Vanderbilts son jumped out of a 10 story bldg. & killed himself.

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