Diary Entry - 07/13/1987

Key Facts
President Reagan leaves the White House for Indianapolis, IN, to stump for the Economic Bill of Rights.
President Reagan fulfills a little boy's wish to meet the President.
Met by morning papers headlining that a memo initialed by John P. proves I did know of the Iran money dispersal. It’s phony as a $3 bill but the media lynch mob is grabbing at anything. I’ll control myself & not answer their shouted questions as I go for the helicopter. I’m off to Indianapolis—selling the Ec. Bill of Rights again. In the “Dip” room on the way I met a young father & mother & their little boy. He is a terminal Leukemia case but looks quite healthy. His wish was to meet me so we did. Then I asked Dottie to come over for some papers. It’s her birthday and when she got here I surprised her with her 3 grown sons & the rest of the day off.
Then on to Indiana. Met by Gov. Orr & Mayor Hudnut—both long time friends. We had Sec. Bowen & Cong.man John Myers along. Our 1st stop was at the Danville Court House after going through streets crowded with thousands of enthusiastic people. We had a meeting with community & County officers—no press—a Q&A session. It went very well. Then I briefly addressed these same people & a hundred or so more in the Rotunda and we were off to the Indianapolis Convention Center where I addressed the annual meeting of the Nat. Assn. of County Officials. Again I was pitching our Ec. Bill of Rights. It was well received. Then back to A.F.1 where I learned that Dick Cheney in this mornings Ollie North session blasted the press & established that there was no truth at all in those stories.
Back to hot Wash. & rest of day off.