Diary Entry - 07/10/1987

Key Facts
President Reagan participates in a meeting with members of the Commission on Defense Management.
President Reagan participates in a security meeting where he learns that Russia wants the U.S. to push Chancellor Kohl to eliminate 72 Pershing missile launchers.
Howard is back—so our usual staff meeting only V.P. absent. Discussed how to deal with Congress efforts to cut defense budget to ribbons. They’re planning to add things as amendments to Debt limit bill which I must sign or create a world wide financial panic.
N.S.C.—In arms negotiations Soviets want us to push Kohl on eliminating 72 Pershing missile launchers. We claim we cant negotiate for a 3rd country. In other parts of arms discussion Soviets are trying to link them to S.D.I. We can never give on that.
Culvahouse came in after this meeting. Again it was to check some points in Ollie Norths testimony. Incidentally the witch hunt against him has made him a national hero. Thousands of phone calls to the W.H. etc.
Then over to address “Deficit Reduction Coalitions” at E.O.B. They are a great group & most helpful. Back to an N.S.P.G. meeting mainly on security for our nuclear installations. We’ve made great progress.
After lunch my regular meeting with George S. Found out some one has been giving him trouble about mil. aircraft for some of his travels. I gave an order on that. He & Frank C. & Howard B. should always have mil. aircraft & security.
Another matter—a signing I may do on an N.S.P. which Geo. questions. I heard him out but this I must sign.
Then a meeting to rc’v. a report from the Packard Commission which returned to check on the improvements they had suggested in their exam of Defense spending a couple of years ago. We’ve implemented many of their proposals.
Then over to Dr. Huttons for exam of my vision to see if a change in glasses is needed. He’s having an unbreakable pair of spectacles now used by military that he thinks I should wear at ranch when using chainsaw. Then upstairs.