Diary Entry - 07/09/1987

Key Facts
President Reagan meets with corporate sponsors of "Vote America" initiative, a non-partisan voter registration project.
President Reagan speaks with the Secretary of Education William J. Bennett.
Howard was in N.Y. addressing the N.A.A.C.P. We spent a half hour on our situation with regard to some of the shenanigans going on up on the hill. Every pen I look at is a veto pen to me.
N.S.C.—More talk about Cong. and an amendment they are trying to hang on an authorization bill that would halt raising our Flag on Kuwaiti tankers for 90 days. I think we could sustain a veto on that one. So far on another bill Sen. Byrd has not been able to halt the Repub. filibuster. I ran attacked (with little effect) a Liberian tanker that is Am. owned. Kidnapers of Glass have threatened to kill him in 24 hours if we dont halt the Kuwait flagging. We must notify Coast Guard 7 days before flags go up—required paper work about Am. Skippers. That means flags a week from Fri. The U.N. Security Council meeting on our pro posal to demand a cease file in Iraq-Iran war takes place next Wed. This would mean 1st ship could be scheduled a week from Wed.
Met with Corp. heads who are supporting of “Vote America” our plan to get people registered to vote.
After lunch—met with Sec. Brock about labor legislation Cong. is proposing to mandate costly requirements on business. Then with Sec. Lyng—the farm situation is looking up. Brief personnelle meeting with Bob Tuttle. Then watched some of the Ollie North hearing. W.H. rcvd. 2,668 phone calls—2,551 were supportive of Ollie North & only 151 negative. Then a brief talk to an East Room reception for Senatorial Trust Members—all contributors of $10,000 a year to the Senate Campaign Committee. Upstairs—change clothes & off to the Ikards for a small dinner party—about 14 or so honoring Bill Webster. A most pleasant evening & back to the W.H. before 10 P.M.