Diary Entry - 07/08/1987

Key Facts
President Reagan addresses a crowd of 35,000 in Connecticut.
President Reagan meets with the widow and son of the top non-commissioned officer on the U.S.S. Stark.
At 9:30 A.M. off to New Britain Conn.—past the shouts of the press with no reply. Did meet briefly with Mrs. Kaiser & young son. She is widow of top non com on the U.S.S. Stark.
Over to Andrews & A.F.1—a one hour flight to Air Nat. Guard Group at Bradley Airport—Hartford. Couldn’t helicopter to New Britain—low clouds—so drove. Congresswoman Nancy Johnson with us—she’s a great gal. At Elks lodge met by Mayor McNamara. Had a Q&A with 14 people. Sec. Mac Baldridge was with me on all the days appearances. Then into lunch where I met additional citizens & spoke briefly because they were all going to be at speech on City Hall steps.
Put on B.P. Vest and went out to face a crowd of 35,000 people. While some dissidents were present—crowd on the whole was most friendly. My speech was well received. Then we motored back to Hartford & A.F.1. Arrived at Andrews at 3:20 & the W.H. 15 min. later. It was a good day.