Diary Entry - 07/10/1985

Key Facts
President Reagan meets with US representative to the United Nations Vernon Walters to discuss the Ambassador's upcoming trip to Mexico.
The President and the First Lady host a luncheon for members of the US Delegation to the United Nations "Decade for Women" Conference in Nairobi.
French security forces sinks Rainbow Warrior, a ship operated by Greenpeace near New Zealand.
Got word my brother is home after an operation for Cancer of the Colon & gall bladder out. Stopped by a W.H. breakfast for House Ways & Means Demos. Subject here was tax reform. Took Q’s.—think we may be doing alright here. Dick Walters, our new U.N. Ambas. came by—he’s off to Mexico to meet with Pres. De La Madrid. Then a meeting with Bud. Conf. Committee. Things got a little feisty & I sounded off on Govt. doing a h--l of a lot of things it had no business doing & gave examples. Meeting ran long then it was over to a W.H. lunch with U.N. people & women Maureen is taking to Nairobi for U.N. Womens Conf. That ended day except for desk work upstairs. My lunch partner on my right was a little woman from the Hopi reservation. Part of their religion involves the symbolism of the Eagle. Environmental movement has given them some problems because of ban on taking Eagles—the Eagle feather is a part of their worship. I told her I’d look into what could be done. Then upstairs to my desk.