Diary Entry - 07/08/1983

Key Facts
President Reagan instructs staff to answer any and all questions the Federal Bureau of Investigation may have in regards to the "Carter Papers".
According to the U.S. Commerce Department, the nation's Gross National Product grew at a seasonality adjusted rate of8.7% in the second quarter, far outstripping government forecasts.'
The June unemployment figure announced by the U.S. Department of Labor stands at 10%, continuing a downward trend.
—Surprised staff at 8:15 by dropping in & telling them to answer any & all Q’s F.B.I. had on Carter papers. An N.S.C. meeting on Central Am. & whether to abide by Congress request to form bi-partisan commission to study area between now & end of year. I suggested we go along—provided that Congress provide funds we’ve requested between now & end of year. Met with Scowcroft commission again—explained our flexibility on arms reductions. Geo. Shultz is back (as of 3 A.M.) but he came in with report on trip. A good & fruitful trip except where Syria is concerned. We’re going to have to find a way to get them out of Lebanon. James Mason & wife came by for a photo. The “Star is Born” pic. he did with Judy Garland has been re-issued with 30 min. added film never before seen—out takes that were taken out to shorten playing time on 1st release. To Camp David—weather beautiful.