Diary Entry - 07/07/1983

Key Facts
President Reagan presents the Paul Boucher Award to Lawrence Cresce for his work on waste and fraud.
President Reagan receives poll results.
Dick Wirthlin in with latest poll & while a number of things have improved I dropped 4 pts. with regard to being trustworthy. No question but that reflects the media blitz over the so called Carter papers—about which I knew absolutely nothing. Interviewed by Grits Gresham of “Sports Afield” about guns—when did I get my 1st one etc. Had photos with each Special Agent in Charge of White House detail all the way back to F.D.R. Lunched with Dick Whalen. Their co. (his & his wife) is called “Wires” & is doing great. They’ve never been to the W.H. We’ve put them down for a State Dinner. Cabinet meeting about new legislation regulating banks. Homer & Cathy Penn came by. She is the daughter of a former Eureka College gal—brought some clippings & pictures her mother had written & taken when I visited Eureka in ’42. Lewis Glaser who makes Quill pen sets for lawyers practicing before the Supreme Ct. brought me a set. Presented Paul Boucher award to Larry Cressce for his work with Inspector Generals on waste & fraud. Dolores Ballachino & her husband came in to say hello. She has been corresponding with me for more than 40 yrs. Charles Douglas Horne—ed. London Times & owner Rupert Murdoch dropped in. Horne is on a cane from a horse fall. Finally home & Mother.