Diary Entry - 07/01/1988

Key Facts
President Reagan attends a Signing Ceremony to provide insurance for Medicare patients against catastrophic illness.
A four-day national conference of Soviet Communist Party members ends in Moscow, with Mikhail S. Gorbachev winning approval for sweeping changes.
Word rcv’d. that Stu Spencer is coming back for a meeting re the Bush campaign Thurs. I was told I should say a few words of greeting from the W.H. balcony to all our people who will be on the S. Lawn for fireworks July 4th.
Cong. has gone home & will be back next Wed.
I approved Billy Graham for benediction at Repub. Convention on night I speak.
N.S.C.—Some talk about reps. at Soviet Conference calling for ouster of older people in office such as Gromyko etc. all of whom were present to hear.
Lower House—Italys parliament has approved our F 16’s being based in Italy.
Messages from Geo. S. on his visit to Central America are most optimistic & enthusiastic about his reception there.
Next week an N.S.P.G. meeting to decide on where we stand with regard to Soviets violation of A.B.M. treaty.
Some desk time then into the Rose Garden for signing ceremony of bill to provide insurance for Medicare patients against Catastrophic illness.
More desk time—then Dick Lyng brought interim report on drought situation. In some areas it has broken all records. It is a serious problem.
Lunch outdoors. Some photos.
Then over to Map room for tapings—6 of them—Nat. Rt. to Life; Nat. Grand Lodge Order of Elks, Message asking to be considered as host for 1994 World Soccer Cup, Knights of Columbus, Am. G.I. Forum Conv., & Cong. on the Church & the Disabled. Upstairs—change clothes, write the above & off to Camp David.