Diary Entry - 07/02/1988

Key Facts
President Reagan makes a Radio Address to the Nation on the resignation of the Chief of Staff and the Administration's agenda.
President and Mrs. Reagan participate in a ground breaking ceremony for the Camp David Chapel.
My radio cast, then groundbreaking for new chapel at Camp D. Meet & thank service personnel who rounded up & captured new recruit who armed himself & set out threatening Camp personnel. Then a meeting with new Camp Commander. Photo with Jim Broaddus & family, our last trip with him as Commander. Sat. P.M. a horse back ride. (But main event was a 5 A.M. phone call that one of our cruisers, the U.S.S. Vincennes in the Persian Gulf accompanied by 2 Frigates had been engaged by a flotilla of Iranian missile carrying speed boats. The Vincennes sank 2 & disabled a 3rd. While this was going on radar picked up a blip on a plane taking [off ] in Iran & on a course directly toward the action. Radio warnings were sent on both mil. aircraft frequency & commercial. There was no reply. Then radar revealed the plane was descending right on line with the Vincennes. The Capt. ordered firing of 2 missiles. One brought the plane down. Later it was learned the plane was an airbus carrying according to Iran 290 people. It’s a terrible tragedy & I so stated but while I’ve ordered a Naval investigation I dont believe the Capt. had any other choice but to fire on the plane.) <- This happened on Sun.