Diary Entry - 06/30/1988

Key Facts
President Reagan participates in Signing Ceremony for National Safety Belt Use Week.
President Reagan attends and addresses the Republican Conference Leaders annual reception.
Talked about the morning press story that 3 Uniformed S.S. have been using Cocaine & 2 employees—secretaries of N.S.C. All have been relieved of their jobs while investigation proceeds.
House has actually passed all 13 appropriations bills—1st time since the ’60’s. Then some discussion of what we can do about states & counties who refuse to provide plans for removing citizens in case of nuc. power plant accident. In doing this the plant cant be licensed to operate.
N.S.C.—A little brief on Savimbis visit. Then the question raised yesterday in my meeting with Cuban-Am. leaders about man named Bosch. They thought we were extraditing him to Cuba—we’re not. But they think he’s a freedom fighter—we think he’s a terrorist.
Meantime Mexico has refused to turn over to us a man named Morales. He escaped from U.S. jail where he was held for a bombing. Then some talk about Gorbachev & the opposition he’s meeting in the Conference.
Our European allies are getting together on program of commercial airline service to Berlin.
Savimbi arrives with his very nice wife. We had a short but good meeting. Then 15 Am. black leaders came in to be photographed with the 2 of us.
A meeting in Oval office with Strom Thurmond, Gov. Carol Campbell of S.C. & a House member. They came to lobby for S.C. as the best site for a tritium producing plant. Idaho & Wash. are also asking for it but I have to say Strom made a great case for S.C. We had a signing ceremony for proclamation of “Nat. Safety Belt Use Week.” Two familys of children were here—all had been in accidents but remained unhurt because of seat belts.
A meeting in Cab. Rm. with Congressional leaders on drugs & drug policy. Then lunch—outdoors. And after lunch the Coach of the L.A. Lakers—N.B.A. Champs for 2nd year in a row. Coach Pat Riley & his wife. Some desk time then a Cab. Briefing on Nuc. Power stations & how some were shut down because countries and or states refused to submit plans for emergency evacuation. Bil. $ plants sitting there unable to operate. A farewell to Patsy Farrel who is leaving us after almost 8 yrs. Her husband is a foreign service officer & has been assigned to Austria.
Then 5 young Eureka College students who are “Ronald Reagan Scholars.” A photo with Multiple Sclerosis Mother & Father of the Year & over to tent on S. Lawn for Repub. Conf. Leaders annual reception. Had to have a tent there are 1000 of them now. I spoke then went upstairs to exercise, dinner on the balcony & to bed.