Diary Entry - 06/24/1986

Key Facts
President Reagan participates in a meeting to discuss the necessity of U.S. assistance to the freedom fighters in Nicaragua.
President Reagan makes an address to the Nation on aide to the Nicaraguan Democratic Resistance.
I’m supposed to be writing this at the ranch but here I am in the lonely old W.H. with out Nancy.
When I got to the office Don R. told me I just couldn’t go with the Contra vote hanging over us & Tips refusal to let me address the House. Well I knew he was right but I was d--n mad. There was the matter of my appearance tonite in Las Vegas—a fund raiser for our cand. for Senate Cong.man Santini. Well we got them to postpone it until tomorrow night. At 12 noon I went on T.V. with the speech I would have given to the House. I spent the day phoning & meeting with House members trying to line up votes—with some success. Oh I met the new champ Ray Floyd & his wife. He just won the U.S. open. He gave me a new putter. I did a photo for Time mag. & Here I am upstairs with the trip scheduled for tomorrow.