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Diary Entry - 06/25/1986

Key Facts

  • President Reagan participates in a photo opportunity with John Tuck, Deputy Assistant for Legislative Affairs.

  • President Reagan is presented with a painting by John B. Regan, Director of the Clark Couny Community College, Community Relations.

  • Congress approves $100 million in aid to the Contras fighting in Nicaragua.

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Dick Wirthlins poll—all things considered the figures are good. My overall approval dropped from 73 to 70 though.

The day has been one of phone calls & personal visits with Congressmen & women on Contra aid. Now I have to get on the plane for Nevada & Calif. with 3 calls yet to make & only hours await the vote. Even more calls were handed to me to make from the plane. Las Vegas was great—a big crowd at the airport, then a photo opportunity with about 140 Couples who were big contributors—then the speech (before lunch). Just before I went on I got a phone call from Don R. We won the Contra aid 221 to 209. I opened my speech with that & got a big hand.

Then it was on to Pt. Mugu & the ranch. Arrived at the ranch about 8 P.M.—Nancy was already there.

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