Diary Entry - 06/23/1986

Key Facts
President Reagan participates in an interview with Jack Nelson, Washington Bureau Chief, Los Angeles Times.
President Reagan places a call to Arnaud de Borchgrave, Editor in Chief, Washington Times.
A half hour interview with 3 members of L.A. Times. It was wide ranging & I hope I didn’t give them any possible distortion material. Then the issues briefing lunch We made a decision that I would ask to appear at noon tomorrow before the House of Reps. to make a speech in support of aid to the Contras. Don called Tip & reached him on a golf course. Tip refused to let me speak to the House. I’m going to rub his nose in this one. We are sending a copy of the speech to every rep.
An interview with Time mag. Then an appearance on the S. Lawn. It is the annual presentation of awards to the top 141 high school students. One boy, one girl from each state, Puerto Rico & our overseas students. Then a photo for Le Point—a Paris publication.
A meeting with Paul Laxalt. He had a call from Marcos who wants me to know he is not behind the demonstrations in the Philippines.
A meeting with Clarence Thomas my man on the Equal Opp. board. I’ve nominated him for another term. He’s done a h--l of a good job. The Lynch gang on the hill is after him. Then received 9 Ambas’s. The 9th was Dobrynin of the Soviet U. He brought a letter from Gorbachev. We had quite a conversation I’m not going to form a quick opinion but he sure is different from the old timers I’ve met. Nancy is in Calif. This place feels empty.