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Diary Entry - 06/21/1984

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 06-21-1984

Key Facts

  • President Reagan ends the day with a fish fry on the South Lawn for members of Congress and their spouses.

  • President Reagan meets with the participants in the National YMCA Youth Governors' Conference and gives them a tour of the Oval Office.

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The longest day of the year—and it was—almost. Usual meetings in the A.M. N.S.C. etc. Then a nice interlude in the Rose garden meeting representatives of the Y.M.C.A. program—the “Nat. (students) Governors Conf.” These young people from all over the country have been elected by their to hold titles for one day as State Governors & Chief Justices. One of them said someday he would like to see the Oval office. I took the whole gang through the office. They loved it. The Nat. Productivity Advisory Committee submitted it’s report. Geo. Bush & I had lunch then Dick Wirthlin came by with his latest figures on polling. They were the best they’ve ever been. Had a good meeting with Brian Mulroney leader of the Canadian Progressive Conservative Party. He’s an Irishman thru & thru. I went over to the E.O.B. to speak briefly to the Nat. Assn. of Broadcasters. Did some appointment work with John Herrington and an interview with Tom Jarriel of 20/20 ABC. He rode with Mike Reagan on the 13 1⁄2 hour speedboat run from Alaska to Seattle & has that on 20/20 & wanted an interview with me to use on the show. Then Admin. time as it’s called—which means I did a photo with the U.S.I.A. Pvt. sector committees, Rcvd. a biography from the writer & publisher of “Reagan Inside Out,” Photo with the Am. Advertising Fed. Award Winner, Was Presented with an Olympic phone for the ranch (Dennis LeBlanc) had something to do with that. Finally I met the 2 brothers who did all the construction on the press facilities at the Williamsburg Summit last year at cost. Ended the day at a fish fry on the S. Lawn for all the members of Congress & their wives. Charlie Daniels entertained.

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