Diary Entry - 06/22/1984

Key Facts
President Reagan attends a briefing at the Pentagon about the future of weapons technology and information gathering.
President Reagan has a portrait session with White House photographer Michael Evans.
Mayor Padilla of San Juan, Puerto Rico stopped by. He’s a stalwart supporter & now Pres. of the U.S. Mayors Assn. He played a large part in getting that Dem. dominated group to pass resolutions supporting Line Item Veto & a number of other measures. Then over to the Pentagon. [. . .] It was a briefing on where we are going weapon wise, communications & intelligence gathering. I can only say I left for the Oval Office filled with optimism, pride & a sense of safety. In the Rose Garden after lunch I met with representatives of the International Youth Year Commission. Then a meeting with Sec. Shultz mainly on the Soviet situation. No break through but further evidence that they aren’t quite sure which way they want to go. George Romney came by, he is heading up a part of our Pvt. Sector Initiative called “Volunteer.” He’s interested in possibly a special medal for outstanding volunteers. I’m rather inclined to think maybe they should be formally included in the presentation of Medals of Freedom. Did a portrait session with Mike Evans & then off to Camp David. Got there in time for a swim.