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Diary Entry - 06/10/1987

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 06-10-1987

Key Facts

  • President Reagan attends the closing statements to the press and end of the 13th G7 Summit.

View the President's Schedule
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An 8:25 A.M. working breakfast with our own team, then on board the boat at 9:20 and over to the Biblioteca Longhena where the plenary meeting took place. Discussion of a number of things we’ve debated & we’re now in a position paper our Sherpas stayed up all night to do.

Ended meeting at 12:30 had half hour quiet time with Howard, Jim & Geo. S. I reported to them on talk I’d had with Helmut K. They intend to try Hamedi for murder of our young flyer (Navy) during hijacking. We thought they were only going to try him for a relative minor crime they’d caught him doing in Berlin. I see no point in extraditing him now. Then over to the Palazzo Ducale for our last lunch at 1:30 P.M. Then by boat to Giorgio Cini Foundation for bilateral with Mitterrand and Chirac. From there into Foresteria Room where Fanfani was reading our statement to press & audience. That ended the summit & it was back to the Cipriani where Nancy was waiting—just in from Sweden. Now a quiet, private dinner in our suite.

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