Diary Entry - 06/11/1987

Key Facts
President Reagan meets with Prime Minister of Canada Brian Mulroney.
President Reagan meets with Italy's private sector initiatives task force.
Margaret Thatcher becomes the first British prime minister in 160 years to win a third consecutive term of office.
A meeting with top staff & then a bilateral with P.M. Mulroney (Canada). I think we cleared away some minor glitches and made some headway on “free trade.” Nancy took for a ladys lunch hosted by Mrs. Agnelli. I had lunch in our suite & then another staff meeting getting ready for press conf. on the lawn. Thank Heaven it turned out to be a good one. Then onto the beautiful Agnelli home for a meeting with their pvt. sector Initiatives task force they’ve put together. Some long time Am. friends in the audience—like A.C & Marf. No chance to visit—just make my speech & get back in the boat. Nancy with me & all went well.
Some photos back at the hotel with Naval personnelle who’ve been getting us around the canals etc. Then a walk around the grounds & upstairs—to dinner & a quiet evening. Tomorrow Berlin, Bonn & home.