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Diary Entry - 06/11/1987

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 06-11-1987

Key Facts

  • President Reagan meets with Prime Minister of Canada Brian Mulroney.

  • President Reagan meets with Italy's private sector initiatives task force.

  • Margaret Thatcher becomes the first British prime minister in 160 years to win a third consecutive term of office.

View the President's Schedule
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A meeting with top staff & then a bilateral with P.M. Mulroney (Canada). I think we cleared away some minor glitches and made some headway on “free trade.” Nancy took for a ladys lunch hosted by Mrs. Agnelli. I had lunch in our suite & then another staff meeting getting ready for press conf. on the lawn. Thank Heaven it turned out to be a good one. Then onto the beautiful Agnelli home for a meeting with their pvt. sector Initiatives task force they’ve put together. Some long time Am. friends in the audience—like A.C & Marf. No chance to visit—just make my speech & get back in the boat. Nancy with me & all went well.

Some photos back at the hotel with Naval personnelle who’ve been getting us around the canals etc. Then a walk around the grounds & upstairs—to dinner & a quiet evening. Tomorrow Berlin, Bonn & home.

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