Diary Entry - 06/09/1987
Up at 7 A.M.—a short night. A briefing then a meeting with Margaret Thatcher only half an hour—as usual we were on the same wave length. Then on to the morning meeting. Most of session taken up with farm situation. I think we’ve come out with a good position. A half hour break & then lunch with some of our Sherpas. Back to the meeting—a plenary this time—Sec’s. & Ministers of State & Sec’s & Ministers of Finance. Much of the day devoted to economics. A news item came that a car bomb & several missiles were exploded outside Am. Embassy in Rome & British Embassy—no deaths or injurys. Later a report that a floating mine off Venice was detonated. That turned out to be an old water heater. Back to the hotel—homework waiting & then after shower back to a dinner meeting. Well it was really a social dinner at a large round table—30 ft. across, in a magnificent palace.