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Diary Entry - 06/03/1981

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 06-03-1981

Key Facts

  • President Reagan meets with a group of mayors and city officials to discuss the Economic Recovery Program and Grant Proposals.

  • President Reagan meets with the 1981 National Multiple Sclerosis Society Mother and Father of the Year.

View the President's Schedule
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Woke up before dawn, had caught Mommie’s bug. Began to feel better as day went on. Meetings all morning including presentation to the Multiple Sclerosis man & woman of the year. Frank Sinatra who is chairing their fund drive presented me with a sculpture. An N.S.C. meeting— [. . .] The tax matter is coming to a close. In the Blue Room a reception for visiting civic & business leaders from Europe who come annually at “Time Inc.’s” invitation.

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