Diary Entry - 06/02/1981

Key Facts
President Reagan meets with Republican Congressional Leadership to discuss a number of current domestic issues, including block grants, taxes, and Social Security.
President Reagan visits Press Secretary James Brady at George Washington University Hospital who was critically injured in the assassination attempt on the President in March.
Early meeting with Repub. leadership to discuss tax program & block grants—we touched on Soc. Sec. also. Good meeting and good spirit. Cabinet meeting re the selling of 100,000 tons of butter from govt. stockpile. Only real customer would be Russia. The world price is $1 a lb.—Ams. are paying $2. I’ve proposed finding what we can do toward giving it to hunger areas instead. I haven’t given my answer yet but feel it will be against selling even though we’d get a couple of hundred million $. Met with Jim Brady at the hospital. He looks well and has muscle movement in his left arm & leg. He got emotional a few times but they say that is normal at this stage. The prognosis continues to be that he’ll have good recovery. Nancy went to Wolf Trap opening Mon. Security said no to me going.