Diary Entry - 06/04/1981

Key Facts
The President and the First Lady host a luncheon for Mother Teresa.
President Reagan attends a National Security Council meeting to discuss policies involving China and Cuba.
Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin meet in the Sinai.
A very good day. Met with Dem. Conservatives. Believe a majority of the 33 will support our tax program. N.S.C. meeting went smoothly with agreement on China policy & Cuba. The 1st was prepping for Sec. of State’s trip to P.R.C.—We dont dump Taiwan. Rcvd. several new Ambassadors from Africa & Dominican Repub. Met with Sen’s Long, Byrd (Harry), Bentsen & Boren on tax bill—they are all supportive. Late afternoon we gathered a bipartisan group from House & Sen. & on 15 mins. notice held a press conference announcing a bi-partisan tax measure we were taking to the House. The battle is on. Came upstairs to find the Schoenfelds here. It was a time for nostalgia. High spot of the day however was lunch. Our guest was Mother Theresa. What an inspiration this quiet little Albanian born Nun is. She radiates joy because God, as she says, has given her the opportunity to serve the lepers, the poverty stricken & the hopeless.