Diary Entry - 06/02/1988

Key Facts
President and Mrs. Reagan attend an official departure ceremony at the airport in Moscow, USSR.
President and Mrs. Reagan attend tea with Queen Elizabeth at Buckingham Palace.
President Reagan attends a Bilateral Meeting with Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher of the United Kingdom.
Up at 7:30 to pack & do a farewell to the embassy staff. Then over to the Kremlin for a farewell to Gorby & Raisa & off to the airport for a formal departure with the Gromykos & parading the troops etc. All was done & we boarded A.F.1 for the 3 1⁄2 hour ride & the 3 hour time change.
We had a big breakfast & that turned out to be lunch for the day—well not really. Charlie & Carole had a quiet lunch for us at Winfield House. Then we had some down time—about 4 hours before we left for Buckingham Palace where we had a pleasant tea with Queen Elizabeth. From there it was over to 10 Downing St. for a tête-à-tête with Margaret Thatcher—I gave her a report on our summit in Moscow aided by Colin, George S. etc. Then a pre dinner reception & dinner at 10 Downing & a brief view of the mounted troop “Beating The Retreat.” Over to Winfield House for a good nights rest.