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Diary Entry - 06/03/1988

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 06-03-1988

Key Facts

  • President Reagan attends a meeting with Prime Minister Noburo Takeshita of Japan.

  • President Reagan addresses the Guildhall in London, U.K.

  • President and Mrs. Reagan return to Washington, D.C. and attend an arrival ceremony at Andrews Air Force Base.

View the President's Schedule
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Downstairs after 8:30 breakfast in bed & finishing packing. A staff meeting—or briefing I should say with Sec. Shultz, H. Baker, K. Duberstein, M. Fitzwater, Colin P., G. Sigur & P. Stevens—ended at 10:20 A.M. for arrival of Japans P.M. Noburo Takeshita. The Prices joined in greeting him. The usual photos with him & several members of the Diet. Then a bilateral meeting mainly on our trade matters—particularly on beef & citrus fruits. Meeting over at 11 A.M. & we all motored to Guildhall—a very formal gathering led by The Lord Mayor of London & P.M. Thatcher—an audience of several hundred. I made about a 30 min. speech that was very well received. Then our farewells to the Thatchers & others & back to Winfield House for ceremonial farewell to embassy staff & familys & departure by Marine 1 with Prices & out to the airport where we boarded A.F.1 & headed home—a 7 1⁄2 flight & a five hr. time change.

At 4:40 P.M. the wheels of A.F.1 stopped with the nose of the plane just outside the open door of a hangar at Andrews A.F.B. Inside were thousands of people, a mil. formation & of course the press. Outside an artillery detachment fired a 21 gun salute.

Geo. B. & Barbara were waiting to escort us in to the hangar where we greeted our Cabinet members, were led to a podium. The Nat. Anthem was played by the Army band. Geo. introduced me & I spoke of our trip & our thanks to the assembled people. Then we marched out the other side of the hangar to Marine 1 & on to the W.H. where there were more people to welcome us—also a small brown & white dog—Rex.

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