Diary Entry - 06/03/1988

Key Facts
President Reagan attends a meeting with Prime Minister Noburo Takeshita of Japan.
President Reagan addresses the Guildhall in London, U.K.
President and Mrs. Reagan return to Washington, D.C. and attend an arrival ceremony at Andrews Air Force Base.
Downstairs after 8:30 breakfast in bed & finishing packing. A staff meeting—or briefing I should say with Sec. Shultz, H. Baker, K. Duberstein, M. Fitzwater, Colin P., G. Sigur & P. Stevens—ended at 10:20 A.M. for arrival of Japans P.M. Noburo Takeshita. The Prices joined in greeting him. The usual photos with him & several members of the Diet. Then a bilateral meeting mainly on our trade matters—particularly on beef & citrus fruits. Meeting over at 11 A.M. & we all motored to Guildhall—a very formal gathering led by The Lord Mayor of London & P.M. Thatcher—an audience of several hundred. I made about a 30 min. speech that was very well received. Then our farewells to the Thatchers & others & back to Winfield House for ceremonial farewell to embassy staff & familys & departure by Marine 1 with Prices & out to the airport where we boarded A.F.1 & headed home—a 7 1⁄2 flight & a five hr. time change.
At 4:40 P.M. the wheels of A.F.1 stopped with the nose of the plane just outside the open door of a hangar at Andrews A.F.B. Inside were thousands of people, a mil. formation & of course the press. Outside an artillery detachment fired a 21 gun salute.
Geo. B. & Barbara were waiting to escort us in to the hangar where we greeted our Cabinet members, were led to a podium. The Nat. Anthem was played by the Army band. Geo. introduced me & I spoke of our trip & our thanks to the assembled people. Then we marched out the other side of the hangar to Marine 1 & on to the W.H. where there were more people to welcome us—also a small brown & white dog—Rex.