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Diary Entry - 06/01/1988

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 06-01-1988

Key Facts

  • President Reagan and Soviet leader Mikhail S. Gorbachev conclude their summit, exchanging documents of ratification.

  • President and Mrs. Reagan attend the Bolshoi Ballet.

  • President and Mrs. Reagan walk through Red Square.

View the President's Schedule
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Usual staff time in the ice box then on to the 4th plenary meeting with Gorbachev. A little hassle—the joint statement was read. He wanted an addition we couldn’t buy. I used argument his addition would give us trouble at home. He gave in. Then we went into signing ceremony of I.N.F. treaty ratifications. They had been brought here by Sen’s. Robt. Byrd & Bob Dole who were present.

Then lunch with our team in the ice box getting ready for my press conf.

And at last the press conf. including foreign & Soviet as well as our entire Wash. press Corps. What can I say except “Thank The Lord.” According to our people I did just fine. Now it’s on to the Bolshoi Ballet and then a private dinner at Gorbachev & Raisa’s country place with Shultz’s & Shevardnadzes.

It was a nice ride out in the wooded countryside to a really lovely home & a good time was had by all. On the way back we drove through Red Square so Nancy could see it. Naturally the press was on hand & wanted photos. Believe it or not there were hundreds of people behind a rope there to see & wave at us. I dont know how they find out where we’ll be. It was almost midnight.

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