Diary Entry - 05/21/1987

Key Facts
President Reagan meets with Chancellor of the Republic of Austria Franz Vranitzky.
President Reagan receives word from the Ambassador of Iraq that they will pay reparations to the family's of the victims of the attack on the USS Stark.
Word has come from Iraq Ambas. that they will pay compensation to the family’s of the victims on the U.S.S. Stark. Space Shuttle set for 1st flight June of 88. Geo. S. said there was talk of Soviet Summit here in late Sept. or early Oct. I’ve agreed to meet with the Independent Investigator as I did with Tower Commission. Then a briefing on tunnel that is going to run from Oval O. to the W.H. shelter. End of meeting.
N.S.C.—Kohl says he’ll make decision on S.R.I.N.F. by early July. We were hoping for it done in June at the summit.
RENAMO has admitted to kidnap of missionarys & American Nurse. We’re expecting word on the Semi-conductor situation with Japan.
Later in morning a signing ceremony at E.O.B. of bill H.R. 1941 to lift some irksome regulations on Natural gas. Not all we want but a start. Then a meeting with Chancellor of Austria Franz Vranitsky. Purpose to make it plain our banishing of Austrian Pres. Kurt Waldheim did not mean any lessening of our friendship with Austria.
After lunch Personnel time then N.S.C. meeting to discuss foreign policy issues likely to come up at Ec. Summit. A meeting with Cap W. I have a problem—Geo. B. wants to settle treaty with Soviets including 100 missiles in Asia & Alaska. Cap wants us to go for 0-0. Frankly that’s what I want.
Then admin time—photos with departing individuals—a meeting with Rocard of France—possible candidate against Mitterrand. Then a presentation of W.H. by book sellers of several hundred books. They’ve been doing this since 1930.
Then an East Room reception with “Vote For America”—a large group put together by Joe Rodgers to get people to vote. They were a great bunch.