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Diary Entry - 05/22/1987

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 05-22-1987

Key Facts

  • President Reagan travels to Jacksonville, FL for the memorial service in honor of the 37 Sailors killed in the attack on the USS Stark.

  • President Reagan travels to Camp David for the weekend.

  • A deadly tornado devastate the small West Texas town of Saragosa, killing thirty people and injuring 162.

View the President's Schedule
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Off at 9:20 A.M. for Fla. & the Memorial for the 37 U.S.S. Stark dead. We were greeted by Sec. of Navy Webb, Admiral Trost (Chief of Naval Operations). Three Rear Admirals [Perry, Ilg, and Kalleres]. We went into the helicopter repair hangar—a gigantic bldg. now dressed as an auditorium. After the ceremony Nancy & I went up & down the rows greeting & hugging some 2 or 300 of the families of the deceased. It’s a heart breaking time. Then back to A.F.1 & on to Andrews Field. There we joined up with Rex (delivered by Dale) and got on Marine 1 & off to Camp D.—1st time in several weeks.

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