Diary Entry - 05/22/1987

Key Facts
President Reagan travels to Jacksonville, FL for the memorial service in honor of the 37 Sailors killed in the attack on the USS Stark.
President Reagan travels to Camp David for the weekend.
A deadly tornado devastate the small West Texas town of Saragosa, killing thirty people and injuring 162.
Off at 9:20 A.M. for Fla. & the Memorial for the 37 U.S.S. Stark dead. We were greeted by Sec. of Navy Webb, Admiral Trost (Chief of Naval Operations). Three Rear Admirals [Perry, Ilg, and Kalleres]. We went into the helicopter repair hangar—a gigantic bldg. now dressed as an auditorium. After the ceremony Nancy & I went up & down the rows greeting & hugging some 2 or 300 of the families of the deceased. It’s a heart breaking time. Then back to A.F.1 & on to Andrews Field. There we joined up with Rex (delivered by Dale) and got on Marine 1 & off to Camp D.—1st time in several weeks.