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Diary Entry - 05/20/1987

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 05-20-1987

Key Facts

  • President Reagan orders the US Navy to provide transportation for the next of kin to a memorial service in Jacksonville, FL for victims of the USS Stark tragedy.

  • President Reagan attends a National Security Council meeting to discuss Soviet responses to the US Strategic Defense Initiative.

View the President's Schedule
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Opened day talking about news story that Navy wasn’t providing transportation for next of kin to memorial service in Jacksonville Friday. I changed that quick. Later called parents in New Jersey named in story & told them they’d be hearing from the Navy. Then a little talk with Howard & Ken about Solicitor General Fried who issued a ruling that Unions could use Union members dues for political purposes without their permission. I’m in total disagreement.

N.S.C.—It seems Dobrynin is passing word Soviets can & will cancel missile reductions if I dont call off S.D.I.

Then a brief meeting with Foreign Minister Yaqub Khan of Pakistan. I got in a few words about nuc. weapons & how they must not build any. Later a talk with or by mainly by R. Perle. He’s brilliant & gave a great presentation about the arms reduction process & the course we should follow. Basically it was to stay tough. Then over to E.O.B. met with & addressed a group of great teachers & principals. Bill Bennett presented me with 3rd book on “What Works”—title of this one—“Schools That Work—Educating Disadvantaged Children.” Great progress is being made all across the land in upgrading education.

Met with George S. He asked that we send someone to W. Germany to talk to Kohl about 0-0 in S.R.I.N.F. I agreed & Linhart is on his way. George moved onto L.R.I.N.F.—he’s all for 0-0 there. Also discussed modernizing our Lance Missiles. Then some discussion of Middle East Peace process. And finally a problem with our designated Ambas. to Mozambique—Melissa Wells a Foreign Service Officer. Sen. Helms is blocking her approval by Sen. Committee. I want her approved. Then our meeting with Chinese delegation headed by Yang—a top level man in their govt. It went very well. Then a meeting with Baker & Meese re the choice for head of the F.B.I. List is down to 3—we picked one but wont make it final til Ed has discussed it with Webster. Then upstairs to do my exercises before the 6 P.M. reception for 220 Repub. Women holding elective office across the country. Mermie is hosting the affair. I speak & then a reception line. It was a fine time & we shook every hand.

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