Diary Entry - 05/20/1982

Key Facts
President Reagan spends most of the day on the phone with members of Congress discussing the budget.
President Reagan meets with members of the President's Economic Policy Advisory Board.
Great Britain rejects further participation in the U.N. talks aimed at a peaceful settlement of the Falklands crisis.
Ron’s birthday. But here a frustrating day, much of it spent on the phone with members of Cong. on the budget. Most are going to be with us but some I talked to are dedicated (they say) to what we’re trying to accomplish but they wont vote with us because the budget compromise isn’t exactly to their liking. A compromise is never to anyone’s liking—it’s just the best you can get & contains enough of what you want to justify what you give up. A call from the King of Spain—is sending a letter. Wants to help on the Falklands case—may be too late. Met with Ec. advisors—as usual they are not in total agreement—economists never are. Basically however, they are for our budget cuts but differ on the revenue side. Nancy & I went to Howard U. for a fund raising reception. Pres. Cheek & his wife are fine people and he’s doing a fine job. Met with John Davis Lodge who wants back in harness as an Ambassador. We have Argentina in mind but have a sticky situation in down there we hope will go away in a few months. It has to do with Argentine charges about present Ambassador. To change would lend credence right now to their spurious charges.