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Diary Entry - 05/21/1982

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 05-21-1982

Key Facts

  • President Reagan learns that the British have landed in the Falklands and fighting has begun.

  • President Reagan participates in several interviews with foreign newspapers.

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The British have landed in the Falklands & the fighting has started. My fight has started but it isn’t bloody—just messy. I’m on the phone all day calling Congressmen. The Senate is supposed to pass a budget—not too different from what I wanted—tonight. The House has 5 budgets before it—one of which resembled the Sen. Bill. It’s called the “Bipartisan Recovery Budget.” They’ll be voted on next Mon. We’ve begun briefings on the Europe trip but in between we got to the ranch for a few days—then to Europe with 3 more hours added to our jet lag. Don Regan called—Inflation for the last 6 mo’s. is running at 2.8% & for the last 3 at .8%.

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