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Diary Entry - 05/19/1981

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 05-19-1981

Key Facts

  • President Reagan hosts a luncheon in honor of the Commander and crew of the Space Shuttle Columbia.

  • President Reagan meets with President of Adolph Coors Company and US representative to the Annual Australia-America Friendship Week, Joseph Coors.

  • The Department of Commerce reports that the US. gross national product (GNP) grew at an 8.4% annual rate during the first three months of 1981.

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High spot of this day was a luncheon in the Rose Garden for Commdr. Young & Capt. Crippen who flew the Columbia into space & back. All the astronauts many we met when I was Gov. were on hand. Awarded medals to both & to Dir. Lovelace of N.A.S.A. Mrs. Young is like my Nancy and it’s heartwarming to see her & the Commdr. together.

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